A polypropylene cell spreader is a laboratory tool used for spreading cells evenly across the surface of a culture dish or plate. It is typically made of polypropylene, a plastic material known for its chemical resistance and ability to withstand autoclaving. The spreader usually has a triangular or L-shaped design with a smooth surface to facilitate the even distribution of cells.To use a polypropylene cell spreader, you would pipette a cell suspension onto the surface of the culture dish or plate and then use the spreader to gently glide across the surface.

A polypropylene cell spreader is a laboratory tool used for spreading cells evenly across the surface of a culture dish or plate. It is typically made of polypropylene, a plastic material known for its chemical resistance and ability to withstand autoclaving. The spreader usually has a triangular or L-shaped design with a smooth surface to facilitate the even distribution of cells.To use a polypropylene cell spreader, you would pipette a cell suspension onto the surface of the culture dish or plate and then use the spreader to gently glide across the surface.

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