$ 12 Panchtikta Ghrit Guggul- Pitta Skin Imbalances- Ayurveda Plaza

PANCHATIKTA Ghrit GUGGUL helps to treat inflammation, drying and deadening of tissue and skin, particularly of the rectum. The primary ingredient, Neem, is a powerful treatment for ailments of the blood and plasma, rendering it very effective against many skin disorders which result from toxins and imbalances of the blood. 



Panchtikta Ghrit Guggul- Pitta Skin Imbalances- Ayurveda Plaza

PANCHATIKTA Ghrit GUGGUL helps to treat inflammation, drying and deadening of tissue and skin, particularly of the rectum. The primary ingredient, Neem, is a powerful treatment for ailments of the blood and plasma, rendering it very effective against many skin disorders which result from toxins and imbalances of the blood.



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