$ 25 Mahatikta Ghritam- Ayurveda Plaza

Mahatikta Ghritam is a medicated Ayurvedic ghee tonic for health. Mainly used for relief in cases of a boil, rashes, pus discharge, and similar skin diseases. Mahatikta ghrita is also prescribed in the treatment of hyperacidity, jaundice, vaat-rakta or gout, chronic fever, and bleeding piles. 



Mahatikta Ghritam- Ayurveda Plaza

Mahatikta Ghritam is a medicated Ayurvedic ghee tonic for health. Mainly used for relief in cases of a boil, rashes, pus discharge, and similar skin diseases. Mahatikta ghrita is also prescribed in the treatment of hyperacidity, jaundice, vaat-rakta or gout, chronic fever, and bleeding piles.



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