My dog doesn't listen to me

It can be frustrating when your dog doesn't seem to listen to you, but there are a few possible reasons why this might be happening. One possibility is that your dog isn't properly trained. If you haven't taken the time to train your dog, it may not know how to respond to your commands. Another possibility is that your dog is distracted by something else, like another person or animal. If you're having trouble getting your dog's attention, try making a noise or calling their name before giving them a command.

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My dog doesn't listen to me

It can be frustrating when your dog doesn't seem to listen to you, but there are a few possible reasons why this might be happening. One possibility is that your dog isn't properly trained. If you haven't taken the time to train your dog, it may not know how to respond to your commands. Another possibility is that your dog is distracted by something else, like another person or animal. If you're having trouble getting your dog's attention, try making a noise or calling their name before giving them a command.

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