In this article, we will show you the step-by-step procedures for easily changing the author URL slug and base in WordPress. Before that, let’s know what a URL Slug and URL Base are

What are URL Slug and Base?

URL Slug:

Whatever comes after the last slash (/) in a URL is called a URL slug.

So the URL slug will be: how-to-install-a-WordPress-theme

Similarly, let’s take an Author URL

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In this article, we will show you the step-by-step procedures for easily changing the author URL slug and base in WordPress. Before that, let’s know what a URL Slug and URL Base are

What are URL Slug and Base?

URL Slug:

Whatever comes after the last slash (/) in a URL is called a URL slug.

So the URL slug will be: how-to-install-a-WordPress-theme

Similarly, let’s take an Author URL

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