An balance bike is a bicycle without pedals. While it has a casing, fork, handlebars, wheels, and so on, it has no drivetrain. To move advances, kids push off the ground with their feet, as Fred Flintstone. Something else balance bicycles don't have is stabilizers. Since kids have their feet on the ground, they can foster their equilibrium and coordination as they are not upheld by stabilizers. This permits children to foster their equilibrium first, prior to advancing to pedals.

An balance bike is a bicycle without pedals. While it has a casing, fork, handlebars, wheels, and so on, it has no drivetrain. To move advances, kids push off the ground with their feet, as Fred Flintstone. Something else balance bicycles don't have is stabilizers. Since kids have their feet on the ground, they can foster their equilibrium and coordination as they are not upheld by stabilizers. This permits children to foster their equilibrium first, prior to advancing to pedals.

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